Fashion Profiling in Television: How Fashion Styling Choices Influence Black Character Identities and Connotations in Popular Media
Fashion Profiling in Television: How Fashion Styling Choices Influence Black Character Identities and Connotations in Popular Media Fashion has been a hallmark of popular culture for centuries, but its significance expands far beyond mass culture entertainment. Thinking of fashion as a form of self-expression merely scrapes the surface of the things that can be revealed through clothing, particularly the importance of styling to social-political movements. Speaking specifically, fashion has a large part in how Black individuals express themselves, their pride in their identity, and their solidarity as a community. The link between fashion, self-expression, and political activism is longstanding, with social justice movements like the Civil Rights Movement strengthening associations between clothing and activist groups. In modern society, fashion is one of the prominent features of the media, and celebrities have become some of the most recognizable public figures and fashion icons; the...